With more access to digital platforms it’s no surprise there has been a correlating rise in the number of incidents involving cyber bullying, racism, sexism and the like. With virtually all institutions online now due to COVID-19, what can we do to combat it and make the virtual world safer for students and faculty?This Diverse Talk Live will address standing up to cyberbullies in the online environment.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Education, University of Southern California
Dr. Charles H.F. Davis III is an assistant professor of clinical education at University of Southern California. Dr. Davis' research is broadly focused on race and racism, systems of oppression, and structures of domination in U.S. higher education. In particular, Davis' award-winning ethnographic work examines contemporary student activism at the intersections of campus and community, specifically focusing on the mobilization of resources and tactical repertoires used to achieve movement goals. Davis' work has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals to include The Review of Higher Education, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, Urban Education, Journal of Negro Education, and Men and Masculinities. His research has also been cited in Amicus Curiae briefs in the Fisher v. University of Texas and SFFA v. Harvard Supreme Court cases as well as garnered references by dozens of news media outlets. Davis was named by Diverse as a 2020 Emerging Scholar.
Assistant Professor, School Psychology, William & Mary
Dr. Leandra Parris is an assistant professor in School Psychology. Prior to joining William & Mary, she was on faculty at Illinois State University (2013-2019) and completed her doctoral internship with a specialization in crisis intervention with the Dallas Independent School District (2012-2013).