Title: Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs, Brandeis University
In addition to her role as provost and executive vice president of academic affairs at Brandeis, Lynch is also the Maurice B. Hexter Professor of Social and Economic Policy. She has served in several leadership positions at the university, including interim president, provost and dean of the Heller School for Social Policy and Management. Lynch is an internationally known labor economist, a leader with experience working in the highest levels of academia and government and is a compassionate teacher and scholar. As dean of the Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Lynch strengthened financial support and helped increase both graduate student enrollment and the total number of dual-degree programs offered at the university. She led the development of the school’s strategic plan, implementing an initiative to embed diversity, equity and inclusion in Heller’s academic and work environment. Lynch has published several works centered on the impact of technological change and organizational innovation on productivity and wages, the factors of youth unemployment and the school-to-work transition.