Title: Assistant Professor, Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University
Age: 39
Education: B.S., Cornell University; M.S., University of Western Ontario; and Ph.D., University of Maryland
Career mentors: Claudia Coen, Irby Lovette, John Hermanson, and Dan Riskin, all at Cornell University; Brock Fenton, Western University; Jerry Wilkinson, University of Maryland; Rachel Page, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Damien Farine Jr., The Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior; and Bryan Carstens and Meg Daly, both at The Ohio State University
Words of wisdom/advice for new faculty members: “Be kind to everyone. Prioritize what is important over what is ‘urgent.’ Seek out constructive criticism. Cold email people whose work you admire.”