Kansas has joined several states in a federal lawsuit opposing the Biden-Harris administration’s latest iteration of income-driven student loan repayment for student loan relief.
“Once again, the Biden administration has decided to steal from the poor and give to the rich, said Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, who announced his office, in collaboration with 10 other state attorneys general, is suing President Joe Biden over his administration’s Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) Plan.
Kris Kobach
Kobach argued that Biden is forcing people who did not go to college, or who worked their way through college, to pay for the loans of those who ran up exorbitant student debt.
The lawsuit claims that the U.S. Department of Education lacks the authority to alter student loan repayment plans, which would cancel more than $156 million in student loan debt.
It also cites a prior U.S. Supreme Court ruling of an earlier version of Biden’s student loan program last summer — the court decided that the program violated federal law and that only Congress can authorize student loan forgiveness.