Since its establishment in 1998, WHRY has provided pilot funds to researchers looking to study sex and gender differences in health. Now, over 100 pilot projects received between $30,000 to $50,000 in funding. Some of the research areas include endometrial cancer, insomnia and recognizing heart attacks in women, Yale School of Medicine reported.
On the other hand, OCR was developed due to the low number of women faculty pursuing grant funding.
“It’s not that there are fewer female faculty,” said Michelle McQueen, communications officer at OCR. “They just aren’t coming to us.”
The organization created AmplifyHERScience in 2020, which used $300,000 from the Blavatnik Fund for Innovation at Yale to finance women’s faculty research. Most recently, OCR partnered with WHRY and Status of Women in Medicine Committee to ensure women faculty are aware of available resources, programs and grants, according to Yale School of Medicine.